The Wellness Institute designs employee well-being programs that benefit the individual and the organization as a whole. We address the 6 dimensions of health and well-being: physical, emotional, mental, social, spiritual and financial.
Individual well-being assessments provide important information that can help shape the direction of a company’s wellness initiatives. Once we understand which health areas need to be addressed, we can design customized wellness solutions and introduce appropriate interventions.
Our well-being services include:
▪ Biometric Screenings
▪ Health Risk Assessments
▪ Well-Being Workshops
▪ Holistic Health Assessments
▪ Health Consultations
▪ Concierge Team
▪ Financial Wellness
▪ Holistic Wellness Sessions
▪ Wellness Portal
Our Company Wellness Programs include Work-Well topics focused on nutrition, exercise, stress reduction and disease prevention.
Click here to download the Work-Well Workshop flyer.
Click here to download the Manage-Well Workshop flyer.
Visit our holistic health & wellness store at: A portion of the proceeds is donated to causes that support women, children, health, wellness & education.
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