The Month of May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Did you know that women are nearly twice as likely than men to be diagnosed with depression? By making their mental health a priority, women and girls can minimize the chances of depression. Managing daily stress & anxiety is very important.
Many mental health conditions are caused by inflammation in the brain which can result in memory loss, brain fog, depression & anxiety. Proper diet & food supplements can provide essential nutrients as part of an alternative treatment for mental health disorders. This method is not widely accepted by conventional medicine even though studies show that a lack of essential nutrients does contribute to the onset of poor mental health. To read the article in the Indian Journal of Psychiatry about the connection between nutrition & depression, please click HERE .
This week, May 10-16, 2020, is also National Women’s Health Week. Every year, National Women’s Health Week kicks off on Mother’s Day. It serves as a reminder, especially during the outbreak of COVID-19, for women to take good care of themselves. It is extremely important especially for those with underlying health conditions, such as hypertension, diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular and respiratory conditions. In addition, women who are 65 years and older must be mindful of their health.
Conventional medicine doctors often treat patients with medication. They usually exclude nutrition in the treatment plan for mental illness. There are safe & effective ways to address depression or anxiety that do not involve hazardous medications. This includes proper nutrition, exercise & other lifestyle factors. According to David Eisenberg MD, an adjunct associate professor of nutrition at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, only about one-fifth of American medical schools require students to take a nutrition course.Wellness professionals in the alternative, complementary & integrative health fields have long recognized the link between nutritional deficiency & poor mental health. While conventional medicine doctors are quick to prescribe anti-depressants, there are alternatives. Recent research has shown that supplements including probiotics, zinc, magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins B & D3 can enhance mental health by improving mood & relieving anxiety & depression.
We believe that more medical professionals should consider incorporating nutritional approaches to mental health treatment. Doing so will significantly improve patient health & well-being.
If you are seeking holistic health assessments that address the whole person, please contact: The Wellness Institute: (661) 755-7682 OR