In light of those that have given so much and lost their lives for our freedom, below are things we can do to support the families left behind :
Visit a war memorial in your area. Place flowers at the grave or honor their memory by paying your respects with family members of the fallen.
2. DONATE YOUR TIME, TALENTS OR RESOURCES TO LOCAL REPUTABLE VETERAN ORGANIZATIONS Find an organization that honors and advocates for veterans and families that have lost loved ones in service to their nation. Some families will often hold a bake sale, cookout, and other events to help offset financial costs or raise awareness for veterans. Genuine support and reverence really goes a long way.
3. SUPPORT LOCAL HONOR FLIGHTS These flights provide the opportunity for older Veterans of WWII, Korean and Vietnam Wars to visit the national memorials to remember their fallen comrades. For your area, you can check to see if there are available Honor Flights .
4. VOLUNTEER AT A CEMETERY OR VISIT A VETERAN HOMEYou can volunteer to lay flowers or flags at a veteran or local cemetery. Maybe visit the aging Veterans in your communities to hear them tell their stories. For specific Memorial Day needs by state, please check the VA website .
5. FLY AN AMERICAN FLAG AT YOUR HOME OR WEAR PATRIOTIC COLORS Keep in mind that flags are typically flown at half staff in honor of the service members. Also, if you see a flag that is damaged or not displayed correctly please kindly inform the business or neighbor so they may properly show respect. Learn more about properly displaying the flag with the American Legion .
Source: Mara Rose at
5 Ways to Support Families with Fallen Soldiers on Memorial Day
by Edna Dimataga-Fernandez | May 24, 2019 | Fallen Soldiers, Freedom, Grateful, Honor, Memorial Day, Memorial Day Weekend, Remember, Thankful |