Are you super excited for 2018? We certainly are! After all, the new year symbolizes a fresh start, It’s also a time when many of us make those magnificent New Year’s Resolutions i.e., kicking bad habits & eating better.
Some of the Most Popular 2018 Resolutions include:
#1 Eat Healthier
#2 Exercise More
#3 Make Better Financial Decisions
According to research, it takes approximately 60 days (not 21 days, as most people think) for a person to form a long-term habit. Many of us don’t stick to our resolutions because we lose motivation. We get frustrated when we don’t see immediate results. Unfortunately, over 40% of those who make a resolution will give up before the end of January. Talk about being impatient! Let’s take a look at some of these resolutions:
If your goal is to eat healthier, don’t overdo it by eating spinach and celery sticks all day. You’ll feel deprived, and eventually you’ll give up. If you haven’t been much of a salad or vegetable eater, then you need to take small steps so that your body can adjust to healthy eating. Try eating a small salad right before eating an entrée. Eventually, you can start getting more creative with your salads by adding spinach, arugula, kale, roasted edamame, grilled mango, sweet potato, avocado or cabbage slaw.
SNACKING TIP: Cut up some fruits & vegetables and stash them in separate containers in the refrigerator. You can eat these during your break. You’ll notice that when you eat healthy snacks, your body won’t experience that sluggish and tired feeling which happens when you eat pastries and potato chips. There’s nothing wrong if you want to have a sweet pastry every once in a while, just don’t go overboard on the sweets.
Note Your Progress:
Record your meals in a journal. It’s important to document how you feel. Take note of your energy level and your mood. Remember, making little tweaks to your eating habits can do wonders for your health, energy level, and mood.
If you haven’t exercised in a long time, and your goal is to get in shape, don’t overwhelm your body by exercising every day. Set a realistic goal. Try exercising twice a week for 30 minutes. When your body gets used to it, increase the duration to 45 minutes, and then to 1 hour. Eventually, increase the frequency to 3x a week, 4x a week, etc.
Record Your Accomplishments:
Keep records of your goals and achievements. Don’t obsess too much about how much weight you’ve lost. Instead, focus more on how you feel. Regular exercise relieves stress, improves memory, helps you sleep better, and boosts overall mood! Also, pay attention to how your clothes fit. Do your jeans fit better? That’s always a great indicator that your exercise program is working.
While physical health is important, financial health is just as important. Studies show that people who make better financial decisions are happier and confident about their future. Unfortunately, the financial planning process can be overwhelming to so many people.
While there are many advisors out there, the key is finding a trusted advisor with several desirable skill sets. Find an advisor who doesn’t rush the financial planning process. Have you ever had a bad experience with high pressured sales agents who are more focused on “making a sale”, or pushing a product that pays the highest commission? True financial advisors care about your financial well-being.
When you find a trusted advisor, consider meeting with him or her once a month for several months so that you can go over your current situation and financial goals. Keep things at a pace that works for you. Make sure you ask LOTS of questions. The best financial decisions are made when you don’t feel pressured. Eventually, you’ll feel more confident about discussing advanced investing strategies.
These are the 3 Keys to Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions:
When you pace yourself, you won’t feel the pressure. Pacing yourself increases motivation. The likelihood of sticking to those resolutions will be much higher. Remember, we are all human, and sometimes we fall. The key is to “get up”. Pace yourself, you got this!
Unfortunately, instant gratification has defined our culture. We need to understand that giving ourselves adequate time to see results is key. If you don’t, then you WILL give up. Take note that it takes approximately 60 days (not 21 days) for a person to form a long-term habit. Once it becomes a habit, you’ll see results sooner. You will see significant improvements in your overall health.
It doesn’t matter if your friend lost weight during the 1st four weeks of his or her “eat healthy” program, and you didn’t. Our bodies are different. If you keep comparing yourself to others, you will lose motivation. Focus on YOU. Remember to follow the first 2 key steps above: TAKE BABY STEPS and GIVE YOURSELF TIME.
Do you want to improve your overall health? The Wellness Institute offers whole health assessments which focuses on the whole person: physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual well-being. We also offer comprehensive financial wellness assessments which allows you to speak to our Financial Well-being Advisor. Please call us at (661)755-7682 or email us at: for more information.